What Every State Googles on Valentine’s Day 💝

Kristin Cooke
Feb 08, 2021
Icon Time To Read2 min read
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For lovers and loners alike, Valentine’s Day serves as a time to reflect on our relationships. Most people think celebrating the holiday is more important than ever with the pandemic still in effect.

We analyzed Valentine’s Day search trends and remembered not everyone is in love with the most love-focused holiday of the year. While some are looking to spend V-Day lavishing their lovers with gifts, others are looking to spend some (post-breakup) solitude with romantic entertainment and self-care.

Breakups, The Bachelor, or Bumble—what kind of Valentine’s love is your state searching for?

Valentine's day infographic

Should I stay or should I go?

If Valentine’s Day makes you fight, cry, or daydream about your ex, you aren’t alone. In 23 states, “break up” is the most popular Valentine’s Day search term: California, Arizona, New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Washington, and 14 other states are a little heartbroken on the day of love. Maybe that’s why 43% of people plan to buy themselves chocolate on the holiday.

Is all this chatter about breakups a coincidence? Maybe not. For many couples, Valentine’s Day can act as a catalyst—pushing them closer or further apart—resulting in a higher number of breakups. The upside? If you’re single, you’ll have more selection after the dust settles. 😉

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Apparently, the slogan is true: Virginia is for lovers. “Poetry” is the top search in 12 states with a reputation for romance, including Virginia, Hawaii, Louisiana, South Carolina, Maryland, Texas, Oregon, Alabama, Indiana, Kansas, New Mexico, and New Hampshire. Are these states truly the most romantic, or are they just filled with sweet talkers? Your call.


Will you binge The Bachelor with me?

Colorado, Utah, Maine, Arkansas, Minnesota, and Wisconsin can’t get enough of The Bachelor. (We’re guessing that watching cringe-worthy flirting makes people feel better about their own love lives.) And in Nevada, home to the Marriage Capital of the World, residents are searching for “romantic movies.”

Un-break my heart

With all the breakups at this time of year, it’s no surprise that people plunge into online dating around Valentine’s Day. South Dakota and Alaska are googling “Tinder” while Washington, DC, prefers “Bumble.” Idaho’s most popular Valentine’s Day search is “free dating apps.”

Break up valentines graphic

Last-minute gifts

Oops, is that today, dear? Four states are still shopping for Valentine’s gifts on the day itself. “Chocolate gifts” top the search list in Montana, while Vermont is googling “gifts for him.” Rhode Island’s top search is “free Valentine’s cards,” so if you’re dating someone from the Ocean State, remember that it’s the thought that counts.

Is it a match?

Do your Valentine’s Day searches match the most popular Google searches in your state? Or are you an original? Share your thoughts below.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


The team at SatelliteInternet.com used Google Trends to review top searches on Valentine’s Day. We analyzed the queries state by state to produce a list of each state’s most-googled Valentine’s-related term.

Kristin Cooke
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After graduating with a degree in English from the University of Utah, Kristin learned to geek speak while working as a technical recruiter, interviewing software developers and tech companies. For over 20 years, she has created award-winning content for technology, health, and finance companies. Kristin is an advocate for affordable internet for all and writes about rural internet solutions, satellite internet news, and tech products at SatelliteInternet.com. Her work has been featured in New York Post, PCMag, Forbes, Business Insider, Telecompetitor, Space.com, and The Benton Institute for Broadband & Society.