Project Kuiper: Amazon’s Satellite Internet Provider

Everything we know about Amazon’s Project Kuiper so far and what to expect
Project Kuiper
Project Kuiper

• Projected low price
• 25–400 Mbps 
• Data TBD 

Project not yet available

3.8 out of 5 stars

• $120.00–$500.00/mo.
• 20–220Mbps
• Unlimited data

3.3 out of 5 stars

• $74.99–$119.99/mo.*
• 15–50Mbps
• 100–200GB/mo.

3.7 out of 5 stars

• $99.99/mo.
• 25–150Mbps
• Unlimited data

Mikayla Rivera
Jan 17, 2024
Icon Time To Read10 min read

When will Project Kuiper be available?

After the successful launch and tests of its KuiperSat-1 and KuiperSat-2 prototype satellites, Amazon is confident that it will begin its beta program in the latter half of 2024. This will be restricted to commercial customers, with residential use coming at a later date.

KuiperSat-1 and KuiperSat-2 data will guide Project Kuiper as it seeks to launch more than 3,200 satellites total over the next few years to form its low-earth orbit constellation. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has given the company a 2026 deadline to launch at least half of its planned satellites and 2029 for the rest. So if you’re a typical home internet user, you can expect to sign up for Amazon’s service by 2029, at the latest. However, there will likely be plenty of opportunities to get in earlier as Amazon builds its network.

How do I sign up for Project Kuiper?

As of early 2024, Amazon does not have a formal sign-up page to participate in the planned beta program. Since Amazon is still in the process of testing as well as launching the first wave of satellites, this program isn’t slated to begin until late 2024 and is only for commercial users.

However, if you’re intent on being an early adopter, Amazon recommends you contact them directly to show your interest at this email address. Also, bookmark and follow this page for all the latest news on Project Kuiper. We’ll provide regular updates on launch dates, how to sign up, pricing info and more.

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What is Project Kuiper?

Project Kuiper is an up-and-coming low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite internet service provider that is set to launch more than 3,200 satellites over the next five years so it can offer internet worldwide.

Project Kuiper promises to deliver broadband speeds—which the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defined as at least 25 Mbps. If you’re in a rural area or a digital nomad, keep an eye on Amazon’s upcoming internet service. The tech giant is already gaining momentum toward fulfilling their promise.

In fact, in conjunction with the United Launch Alliance (ULA), Amazon launched a pair of prototype satellites using the Atlas V rocket, according to Amazon. The October 2023 launch and test of the KuiperSat-1 and KuiperSat-2 satellites was a crucial proof-of-concept win for the project, indicating that Amazon will be able to meet its 2029 deadline and provide the services promised.

The test of Project Kuiper optical inter-satellite link (OISL) technology was able to sustain consistent transmission of data at high speeds, which means that its first wave of satellites will be ready to link up when launched, according to Amazon. The goal is for their network of satellites to create a global spanning mesh with lower latency and transmission speeds to rival terrestrial fiber optics.

If you need reliable satellite internet in the meantime, check out our satellite internet service comparison below.

Project Kuiper vs. Starlink vs. Hughesnet vs. Viasat

Data Cap
AmazonProject Kuiper
Projected low price25-400 MbpsData TBD
$120.00-$500.00/mo.20-220MbpsUnlimited data
$99.99/mo.25–150MbpsUnlimited data

Actual speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. *Prices and availability vary by location. Installation fees, monthly equipment lease fees, and taxes may apply. After 100 GB of High-Speed Data usage, you still have unlimited access to Standard Data, which may result in slower speed. **Service plans require a 24-month commitment.

Amazon internet isn't available right now, so as you can see, Starlink and Viasat have the fastest satellite internet you can get your hands on. As long as you’re getting only Starlink residential satellite internet, it offers the best speed for the price, with Viasat as a close if expensive second. 

We actually highly recommend HughesNet for its cheaper prices and lack of price hikes. It even recently raised its data cap to 200 GB, plus it has Fusion plans that mix its satellite technology with fixed wireless to reduce latency.

Starlink is also a great LEO satellite service to tide you over until Project Kuiper comes about. But be warned, it has expensive equipment prices you have to pay upfront, and Starlink's customer service is notoriously difficult to access since it doesn't offer a phone number and buries its email. Still, unlimited data even at its lowest priority data tier is a boon in the remote internet space. 

For more on Project Kuiper satellites and Starlink (and Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk’s space quarrels), see below.

Check out other satellite internet providers near you

How much will Amazon internet service cost?

Amazon's Project Kuiper satellite equipment and monthly service costs are still to be determined, but we’re fairly certain Amazon is gunning for Starlink. Knowing that Starlink residential internet is as low as $90 a month, we’d project Amazon internet to be priced similarlypossibly even less if it wants to beat out Starlink. 

Does Amazon own Project Kuiper?

Amazon, owned partially by Jeff Bezos, does indeed own Project Kuiper. That's where it gets the nickname "Amazon internet." With financial backing like that, we have reason to believe the Kuiper system will be stable once its satellite constellation is actually up and running—especially when you consider that Amazon’s investing $10 billion dollars into the venture. 

Project Kuiper

It’ll take several launches between now and 2029 for the team to get the Project Kuiper satellite constellation up and running. Fortunately, launches are already planned for 2023.

What is the purpose of Project Kuiper?

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Amazon says Project Kuiper’s main aim is to help provide internet connectivity to underserved rural communities—but it’s also Amazon we’re talking about here.

Project Kuiper’s goal is to make satellite broadband internet available worldwide and help shrink the digital divide—or that’s what the company likes to make it sound like, anyway. But like all Amazon services and Amazon web services, Amazon's internet service Project Kuiper's ultimate goal is to make money.

That may not be bad for customers, though, particularly those impacted negatively by the digital divide. More competition is usually a good thing for customers, especially when it comes to satellite internet, which has had two primary providers (Viasat and Hughesnet) most of its existence, with newcomer Starlink rounding them out to three.

Whether or not Project Kuiper will be good for satellite internet customers, or if, in typical Amazon fashion, it attempts to shoot its competitors out of the sky, we’ll have to see. 

We’ll keep this page updated as more information rolls in, so check back with us in the future.

Who will launch Project Kuiper?

Blue Origin, Arianespace, and United Launch Alliance (ULA) will all help Amazon’s Project Kuiper launch its satellites into Earth’s orbit. ABL Space Systems was the first company to help Amazon Project Kuiper launch its prototype satellite, and it had plans to help get the KuiperSat-1 and Kuiper-Sat-2 prototypes up at the end of 2022, according to Amazon. However, ULA's Vulcan Centaur will not handle Kuiper's first satellite launches in 2023, plus another future 38 Kuiper launches.

Blue Origin, Arianespace, and United Launch Alliance (ULA) are all prepping Amazon's heavy-lift launch vehicle for the whole satellite-constellation-creating endeavor: Blue Origin (Jeff Bezos’s company) will send up New Glenn, Arianespace the Ariane 6, and ULA the Vulcan Centaur (or Vulcan rocket).

To further expedite the rollout of satellites, Project Kuiper also purchased room on three of rival SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launches in 2025, according to Amazon.

In fact, Amazon has reserved 83 launches over the next five years with these four companies to get its satellite constellation up—making for the largest commercial procurement of launch vehicles in history. That's a lot of possible connectivity in the future, y'all.

Amazon Kuiper's first two prototype satellites were launched on the Atlas V rocket, run by the United Launch Alliance. Future launches will likely be on the newer Vulcan Centaur rockets.

Project Kuiper Launch

The first of Project Kuiper’s satellites will use New Glenn, Ariane 6, and Vulcan Centaur rockets to reach orbit.

Is Project Kuiper part of Blue Origin?

Blue Origin is a space tourism company owned by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, but it isn’t actually owned by Amazon or therefore Project Kuiper. Blue Origin is, however, one of the three services that’ll be launching Project Kuiper’s satellites into earth’s orbit. Be ready to wave when it sends its New Glenn launch vehicle up with Kuiper satellites.

How many Amazon satellites are there?

Amazon internet will be comprised of 3,236 satellites by the time it's all put together. Project Kuiper is, planning to launch the first wave of satellites throughout 2024. Prototypes are the first step to functional internet, so keep a close eye on this page throughout 2024 for all related updates.

How fast will Project Kuiper internet be?

Project Kuiper satellite internet will offer up to 400 Mbps, with hopes to offer faster download speeds in the future, claims Amazon. That’s already faster than what Viasat or Hughesnet offer, and 400 Mbps would give even Starlink’s speedy internet service a run for its money. Amazon internet service looks sweeter with every update.

Of course, raw download speed and throughput aren’t everything. Latency has a big impact on speed and slow your internet experience. Project Kuiper’s LEO satellites should also help minimize that, since, like Starlink’s satellites, they’ll be closer to Earth to begin with. But we’ll also have to see how well Kuiper maintains its systems after launch, since LEO satellites require more consistent and constant upkeep than GEO satellites.

How much will Project Kuiper cost?

Project Kuiper hasn’t revealed how much its satellite internet service will cost for future customers. But it hopes to create Project Kuiper customer terminals (the home satellite dish customers will use) for less than $400. For comparison, Starlink at-home satellites have a $500 equipment cost for users.

We don’t know for sure, but it’s possible Amazon Kuiper’s goal with its lower-priced equipment is to purposefully compete with Starlink’s up-front equipment costs, which can range from $499 to $2,500. Knowing Amazon’s common marketing techniques, it could and likely would pass these savings on to its customers to stay competitive with rivals like Starlink. Amazon internet service can only thrive if it decides to challenge its solid competition.

Of course, Hughesnet and Viasat don't make you pay for your equipment at all. But those are GEO, not LEO, satellite services--even if they are increasing their speeds with new satellite launches in 2023.

What altitude will Amazon Kuiper orbit?

Amazon's Project Kuiper will orbit 370 to 390 miles above the earth's surface, according to its FCC filing. That means the future constellation is in low-earth orbit, much like Starlink, though Project Kuiper will be just a bit higher compared to Starlink's 340-mile-above-earth orbit. 

Project Kuiper vs. Starlink

If Amazon’s Project Kuiper is giving you SpaceX Starlink vibes, you’re not wrong. We’re pretty sure Jeff Bezos was peeking over at Elon Musk’s paper during study hall. 

As things stand, Starlink Internet has proven itself a satellite internet service to rival even Viasat and Hughesnet, the two longest-standing satellite internet providers. Project Kuiper, meanwhile, sounds pretty good on paper, but it hasn’t shown up to prom yet. We’ll have to wait and see if it just talks the talk or walks the walk. 

In the meantime, you can sit back and watch Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk trade cutting remarks at the punch bowl. Will Starlink satellites triumph? Will Jeff Bezos get Kuiper satellites up in time? Grab that popcorn and join us as we watch the juicy drama play out.

How is Kuiper satellite different from Starlink?

Amazon recently revealed that it will be releasing two Kuiper satellites (or customer terminals, as it calls them) with its satellite internet service in the future. Unlike Starlink's satellites, Amazon satellites will be square and come in two different sizes for either more residential or portable use.

Project Kuiper's at-home internet will be 11 inches in size and capable of 400 Mbps, but the smaller Kuiper satellite model will be only 7 inches large, capable of portable internet use, and will be able to deliver up to 100 Mbps.

Source: Amazon. Mock-up of Project Kuiper internet service dishes.

Does Amazon have a internet service?

Amazon’s upcoming LEO satellite internet service is called Project Kuiper. It promises to be a competitive, speedy internet service that will help people from rural and underserved communities get and stay connected, but Amazon's internet service won't be available for a while.

Why is it called Project Kuiper?

Amazon’s Project Kuiper was named for the Kuiper Belt, a ring-shaped region just beyond Neptune’s orbit that contains icy bodies like Pluto and comets. The Kuiper Belt itself was named after Gerard Kuiper, the dutch astronomer who first proposed its existence.

Who is Rajeev Badyal and what does he have to do with Kuiper?

Rajeev Badyal is Project Kuiper’s vice president of technology. He’s got plenty of experience in the satellite internet space, too, since he also used to be the vice president of satellites at Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Vice President Kamala Harris recently added Rajeev Badyal to the User Advisory Group of the National Space Council, so he and the other members will help advise the government when facing space regulations, laws, and best practices.

Is Amazon partnered with Verizon?

Amazon internet service is partnering up with Verizon going into the future. Once Amazon's Project Kuiper is operational, Verizon plans to use it to expand its own 5G and 4G mobile network to better serve underserved rural areas. It's also likely Project Kuiper will want to leverage the partnership to create a satellite-wireless internet hybrid to lower satellite internet's innate latency, not unlike Hughesnet Fusion's new technology.

Should you plan to get Project Kuiper when it’s available?

Even though Project Kuiper looks promising, with possibly cheaper equipment prices and satellite constellation coverage that could rival Starlink, Viasat, and Hughesnet, we don’t recommend jumping on Project Kuiper the moment it’s available.

We suggest holding off on Project Kuiper once it’s out for two reasons:

  • You want to let Amazon work out the kinks. Every new service runs into unexpected problems once it releases. Let the company work that out while you still (hopefully) have access to an already-reliable satellite service, like Viasat or Starlink.
  • Just because Amazon owns Project Kuiper doesn’t mean it’ll work. Amazon has gotten into a lot of different businesses in the past, and while most are successful, not all of them are. The sheer amount of money Amazon has invested in Project Kuiper makes us hopeful, but there’s no proof until you have the pudding. That’s the saying, right?

Of course, we’ll keep this page updated as we receive more information. There’s a lot of time between now and 2029, so check back with us for more details on Project Kuiper in the future.  


Our editorial team bases our analyses on research, results from our speed test tool, and proprietary internet provider data on speeds and pricing. We dig deep to get hard-to-find information on internet plans, fees, and upcoming brand developments. We make this information easy for you to find in one place via our in-depth reviews, and we use our satellite internet industry expertise to analyze the options to help you make the most informed decision for your household.

Mikayla Rivera
Written by
Mikayla Rivera has worked as an editor for nine years on websites like,, and As someone who grew up with little to no internet access, she knows how vital it is for education, work, and even play. She’s now determined to help readers get reliable internet speeds, wherever they live. Her passion for internet accessibility, memes, and ethical marketing is rivaled only by her dedication to The Chicago Manual of Style. When Mikayla isn’t managing, she’s writing novels of her own.